3-min | 🌺Remembrance from a child’s lens

Veterans want Canadians to understand the price of freedom. They are passing the torch to the people of Canada, so the memory of their sacrifices will continue, and the values they fought for will live on in all of us.

As parents and educators, let's remember our veterans, their sacrifices, their will and collective hope for a prosperous Canada and world. We remember, thank, and honour them.

Time to read and reflect in this edition of Kul Thoughts showcasing ideas inspired by children lesson plans from Veteran's Affairs Canada.

Veterans want Canadians to understand the price of freedom. They are passing the torch to the people of Canada, so the memory of their sacrifices will continue, and the values they fought for will live on in all of us.

As parents and educators, let’s remember our veterans, their sacrifices, their will and collective hope for a prosperous Canada and world. We remember, thank, and honour them.

Time to read and reflect in this edition of Kul Thoughts showcasing ideas inspired by children lesson plans from Veteran’s Affairs Canada.

3 Ideas

1. In order to give rise to a better future, men and women have sacrified and endured a range of responsibilities (direct combat, nursing, taking care of home, single parenting). In order to raise children, we must prepare to sacrifice and endure.

2. A solution does not always have to be a complex technology. Hughes the donkey illustrates this to parents and kids about how its a more elegant solution compared to a machine.

3. Before we address our personal wants, we must be aware of the unmet needs of the world. A look at Canada’s humanitarian efforts highlights the stories of people who’s basic human unmet needs are supported.

2 Inserts

1. The original remembrance day poem

“In Flanders fields the poppies blow / Between the crosses, row on row, / That mark our place; and in the sky / The larks, still bravely singing, fly / Scarce heard amid the guns below.” — John McCrae, Canadian poet, doctor and medical officer during WWI

Read the incredible true story behind In Flanders Fields.

2. “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” – Douglas MacArthur

1 Inquiry

Who are the heroes that have directly impacted your family? Who are the heroes that have indirectly impacted your family?


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As we get inspired by stories about our veterans, time to polish the storytelling skills. Join today’s Kids Cafe – Art of Storytelling with Yashika Chandna at 8 PM EST as we dwelve into the why (storytelling is essential), what (stories to tell), and how (to tell stories). Register here for the free interactive webinar.

Lastly, we are excited to launch our website: The Kul Kids. You can explore the broader vision of Kul Kids, our offerings, past issues of this newsletter, upcoming Kids Cafe events, and more.

If you have feedback on how Kul Kids can serve you better or partner with you, we’d love the opportunity to connect with you here.

Until the next thought,


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Kul Thoughts is a project to draw insights about parenting and childcare from stories around us.

If you have thoughts, we welcome to opportunity to discuss and learn something new! 

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